Why do you need professional dance photography?
When we think of booking a photographer, most people think of family photos, birthdays, or maybe newborn pictures. These are all special occasions that have been generally considered “important enough” to invest in hiring a professional. They absolutely are, but you don’t need a milestone event to justify booking a photoshoot.

Photographs show their growth and progress.
Often the end result of a project, like stacking a tall tower of blocks, does not show all the steps it took to get to the finished result. Did they need someone to help them steady it a bit? Maybe the tower toppled over a few times and they had to start over. If all you saw was a tall tower of blocks, would that tell you anything about what it took to get there?
If you wait to take photos until they are more advanced dancers, then you miss documenting the journey to get there. Everyone loves a good “before and after!”

Dress from Bentley and Lace

Dress from Anna Triant Couture
Builds confidence and self esteem.
Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself and thought WOW, is that me? That is one of my favorite things about being an L.A. photographer. For dancers, there are countless hours spent doing the same moves over and over, sore muscles, and lots of sweat (and yes, sometimes blood and tears too). It’s not very pretty in the day-to-day grind, but when they see a frozen moment of themselves beautifully hitting that pose they have been working on, the burst of confidence and accomplishment they feel is everything!

Display your images!
And then to hang a dance art piece showcasing that moment on the walls of your home for everyone to see…priceless! You really can’t put a price tag on that major bump in self esteem knowing how proud their loved ones are of them. Not only that, but how proud they are of themselves.

I received this message from one of my dancers here in Los Angeles recently, and it perfectly described how I wish every single one of my dance photography clients could feel.

If I could give the gift of those feelings to every dancer who comes through my L.A. photography studio, then I will have done my job!
Would you like to document your dance journey with me? Send me a message and we can set up a time to chat. You can also click HERE to see more of my dance photos.
I’d love to get to know you!